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Requirements & Eligibility

CMB Speakers Spring Research Symposium May 4, 2018
Sallie Images - CMB Speakers Spring Research Symposium 2018

Student Eligibility:

Any graduate student entering their second year of their PhD program and carrying out research in cell and/or molecular biology.  Participants  must be a  U.S. citizen or permanent resident.

Student Requirements:

  • Participate in the Annual Welcome Symposium in years 2 and 3 of graduate training.
  • Participate in the Annual Research Symposium and Ethics Refresher each year of your graduate training.
  • Complete BIOS200,Foundations in Experimental Biology, and 1 graduate course in each of these areas: Cell Biology,  Molecular Biology, and Quantitative Methods (up to 2 can be mini-courses).
  • Complete training in Rigor and Reproducibility, such as BIO265, Quantitative Approaches in Modern Biology, or equivalent. (BIO265 satisfies both the Quantitative Methods and Rigor and Reproducibility requirements for the program)
  • Complete training in Responsible Conduct in Cellular and Molecular Biology, such as BIO312, or equivalent.
  • Complete at least one teaching assistantship in a cell and/or molecular biology course.
  • Complete annual committee meeting and Individual Development Plan
  •  For all publications from your graduate research, acknowledge the CMB Training Grant (NIH T32 GM007276) and submit to the NIH Public Access database.
  • Reappointment for a second year of funding is contingent on successful completion of all requirements.

Faculty Requirements:

  • Active participation in CMB Training Program events is required. Events include, but are not limited, to: 
    • Welcome Symposium and Spring Research Symposium.
    • Courses in Rigor, Reproducibility and/or Responsible Conduct in Research.
    • Student diversity (disadvantaged and/or disabled) recruitment events.
  • Participation in mentor training is required (min. of 3 hours every 3 years).